
Wednesday, August 22, 2012

So now a little of the bad of the PlayBook native video player. In the lower left of the screen capture, you see stop/start. On either side you see forward and reverse, but with only one arrow each. What that shows is lack of fast-forwarding or rewind. You can use the slide control, but it doesn't get you to the exact spot you want. Hitting the forward once will take you to the next video or stop the player,it was the last video. Hitting reverse once will take you to the beginning of the video, hitting twice will take you to the video listed before. All videos are in alphabetical order. All that wouldn't be so bad if, when you close the player, it could start playing where you left off.

Also lacking when bringing up the control screen, is a clock. There are times I need to know the time. Swiping down from either top corner will show you the time, that takes too much effort. I say top because however you are holding your PlayBook, top is the highest point.

This screen capture is from a clip from CW's Supernatural, season 4, episode 6. It appears after the ending credit. The clip is from YouTube.

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