
Friday, March 22, 2013

Dongle This! Fork U!!

Not going to talk about that incident, cause I just don't understand what happened. It seems there is some he said, she said. But part of this has to do with the posting of a picture on social media. Some people are saying it was inappropriate to take and post that picture. Maybe it was. But, is this not the direction we are heading into.

I'm speaking of course of Google Glass. It seems that with people wearing those things, you could post pictures, video and audios with ease. That people could be recording you at anytime. Yes I know there is a red record light, but someone could always just disconnect the light. It seems to me that anything you say or do can be recorded and posted online without your consent. If you thought smartphones were intrusive, there is something that is even more intrusive. It is always on and out.

People think Google Glass is the next big thing. I think Google Glass has many barriers for true acceptance in this world. It may take some time, if ever. Of course, at $1,500 a pop, I don't have to worry it for now. At least Google Glass are not 'emasculating'.

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