
Sunday, March 17, 2013

Destroyer of Headphones

At one time, I ordered 5 different earphones from Monoprice. I chose to use the 8319 model first. I must say, I really liked it. Liked the sound quality, especially if price was taken into consideration. For under $10, it delivered sound of a $50 earphone. So when I broke it last week, I didn't feel any remorse. I had given 3 of them away, but a still had one, model 8322. Alas, the car door was slammed onto it the next day. Now I have none.

The 8319 model had a cloth covered wire, which I liked. It does not tangle easily, as I just stuff them in my pocket. The 8322 has a latex wire, and it would tangle so badly, that sometimes it would take a couple of minutes to untangle. The bad thing of the cloth wire is that it kinked. I can live with that. Some of the reviews for the 8319 complain about noise from the rubbing of the wire.

So I ordered 4 earphones from on Thursday. It has shipped Friday. I think the first one I will use is the 9927 model, which replaces the 8320 model. The 8320 model has gotten good press, which is why I bought from them.

Upon doing a Web search, I think almost all the good press for earphones comes from this forum thread-

Head-Fi.Org 8320

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