
Friday, March 22, 2013

Dongle This! Fork U!!

Not going to talk about that incident, cause I just don't understand what happened. It seems there is some he said, she said. But part of this has to do with the posting of a picture on social media. Some people are saying it was inappropriate to take and post that picture. Maybe it was. But, is this not the direction we are heading into.

I'm speaking of course of Google Glass. It seems that with people wearing those things, you could post pictures, video and audios with ease. That people could be recording you at anytime. Yes I know there is a red record light, but someone could always just disconnect the light. It seems to me that anything you say or do can be recorded and posted online without your consent. If you thought smartphones were intrusive, there is something that is even more intrusive. It is always on and out.

People think Google Glass is the next big thing. I think Google Glass has many barriers for true acceptance in this world. It may take some time, if ever. Of course, at $1,500 a pop, I don't have to worry it for now. At least Google Glass are not 'emasculating'.

Another Speaker

Was reading a blog, The Cheapskate, at CNET. He listed a wireless Bluetooth speaker for $49.99. It was from TigerDirect. And they come in red. So onto and they didn't have any red ones for sale. But for $50 + shipping, this maybe better then the Auvio Bluetooth Speaker I got from Radioshack.

The best thing was that it comes in red. Also black, purple, a sky blue and the requisite black. The second best thing is that it last for 12 hours on a full charge. I think the Auvio is 6 hours. I can't say anything about the sound quality, but the few reviews at Amazon are good. They say 9 reviews, but there were only 7, as one person has 3, all the same review.

Now, I need to decide if I will get one. If they had a red one, I would have bought it already.

On sale now, going fast. 

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Destroyer of Headphones

At one time, I ordered 5 different earphones from Monoprice. I chose to use the 8319 model first. I must say, I really liked it. Liked the sound quality, especially if price was taken into consideration. For under $10, it delivered sound of a $50 earphone. So when I broke it last week, I didn't feel any remorse. I had given 3 of them away, but a still had one, model 8322. Alas, the car door was slammed onto it the next day. Now I have none.

The 8319 model had a cloth covered wire, which I liked. It does not tangle easily, as I just stuff them in my pocket. The 8322 has a latex wire, and it would tangle so badly, that sometimes it would take a couple of minutes to untangle. The bad thing of the cloth wire is that it kinked. I can live with that. Some of the reviews for the 8319 complain about noise from the rubbing of the wire.

So I ordered 4 earphones from on Thursday. It has shipped Friday. I think the first one I will use is the 9927 model, which replaces the 8320 model. The 8320 model has gotten good press, which is why I bought from them.

Upon doing a Web search, I think almost all the good press for earphones comes from this forum thread-

Head-Fi.Org 8320