Was reading THE VERGE. One of their Nexus 7 had a screen separation problem. Guess this is a common problem. When I say common, I don't mean 10%, I presume much less. That is why I try not to be that early adopter. All launches , whether consumer electronics or cars, have more problems at launch then later in the product cycle. I remember reading Consumers Reports talking about the reliability of the Honda Odyssey. They had a graph showing how reliable the last year of the older model was to the first year of the redesigned model. It was noticeable. So, hopefully, as the build more, the quality will be better.
If you read the comments, there is a picture that someone says is of their Nexus 7. Not sure what it is, but it is interesting. Color bleed? Not sure what they call that.
Also have been reading that the screen is too dim. But it is a $200 tablet, and that might have been part of the cost. The other thing I have been reading is color saturation. They had to choose something. I hope it is not like the Sony Trinitron thing. Sony television has a red tint I never liked. People said it gave a warmth. I just thought it looked terrible. But that was just me.
Anyway, here is a link for THE VERGE article. Read the comments.
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